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NHS Covid Analysis by Trust data at 10th January 2021

Data last date 10/1/2021 This table reports admissions into hospital trusts for covid in the order of the number of admissions in the last available week compared to the total number of admissions. The idea is to highlight those trusts which are having a high level of admissions that has grown in the past two weeks. Some trusts serve areas where there is a high level of immunity and hence few people being infected. However, some patients are being redirected to other hospitals and we don't necessarily see the same low level of admissions.
Total admissionsAdmissions
Last Week
Prior Week
Fortnight first wave
Compare last two weeksPercentage of total
in last week
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust4081105124Growing27.0
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust253681011Growing26.9
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust5181396963Growing26.8
Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust266684032Growing25.6
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust12742778898Growing21.7
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust1150250197129Growing21.7
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust1551320146152Growing20.6
Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust296591636Growing19.9
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust235452541Growing19.1
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust1392658Growing18.7
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust147261116Growing17.7
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust2888494293386Growing17.1
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust1698289209223Growing17.0
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust297502314Growing16.8
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust100416687195Growing16.5
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust2240367236165Growing16.4
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust998163101112Growing16.3
Isle of Wight NHS Trust424695338Growing16.3
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust46587233831000Growing15.5
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust165251915Growing15.2
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust1578236182145Growing15.0
North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust1414211107187Growing14.9
Portsmouth Hospitals University National Health Service Trust2620377364223Growing14.4
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust1324190175146Growing14.4
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust5812810610338Growing13.9
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust13819618Growing13.8
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust81411292103Growing13.8
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust1446198119222Growing13.7
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust1933261198236Growing13.5
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust113114894141Growing13.1
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust3405445366313Growing13.1
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust529685555Growing12.9
North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust2244288239438Growing12.8
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn, NHS Foundation Trust102813191137Growing12.7
North East London NHS Foundation Trust654833158Growing12.7
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust1202152143145Growing12.6
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust325412157Growing12.6
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust3386422230203Growing12.5
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust1318162115147Growing12.3
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust1311679Growing12.2
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust2065252196240Growing12.2
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust1344163158197Growing12.1
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust1767213138255Growing12.1
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust2477295211239Growing11.9
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust1649195140225Growing11.8
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust2370270225235Growing11.4
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust2172247222325Growing11.4
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust1387157129115Growing11.3
Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust1223134110196Growing11.0
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust2961319273209Growing10.8
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust351372832Growing10.5
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust3178326290313Growing10.3
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust177181325Growing10.2
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust4527450384428Growing9.9
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust403402238Growing9.9
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust974966774Growing9.9
Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust156815477170Growing9.8
Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust1585154113180Growing9.7
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust145414072146Growing9.6
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust479461964Growing9.6
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust16816541Growing9.5
North Bristol NHS Trust165215788162Growing9.5
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust190017998353Growing9.4
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust1679158106276Growing9.4
Medway NHS Foundation Trust2501233220194Growing9.3
Wye Valley NHS Trust526494553Growing9.3
East London NHS Foundation Trust313292843Growing9.3
Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust240222113Growing9.2
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust870797484Growing9.1
Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust435393220Growing9.0
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust47864234111077Growing8.8
South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust8857871191Growing8.8
St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust3503307291838Growing8.8
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust3586313219797Growing8.7
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust1964170103135Growing8.7
East Cheshire NHS Trust9157945101Growing8.6
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust256221833Growing8.6
Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust292252427Growing8.6
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust200171058Growing8.5
Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust299252178Growing8.4
Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust1109818Growing8.2
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust2121172134168Growing8.1
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust4490355171622Growing7.9
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust147011579132Growing7.8
Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust149811698136Growing7.7
St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust163512072290Growing7.3
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust4494329276367Growing7.3
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust2078152126143Growing7.3
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust506372239Growing7.3
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust3952287211418Growing7.3
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust2428176141375Growing7.2
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust374272590Growing7.2
Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust408291117Growing7.1
Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust1138625Growing7.1
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust90486394741841Growing7.1
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust902634993Growing7.0
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust2039142136254Growing7.0
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust9106235164Growing6.8
The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust165011298144Growing6.8
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust267189106Growing6.7
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust1454984665Growing6.7
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust12508444197Growing6.7
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust33722833Growing6.5
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust2153140126145Growing6.5
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust196212476257Growing6.3
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust2971177141482Growing6.0
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust213712277189Growing5.7
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust3955225137346Growing5.7
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust187710569286Growing5.6
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust13267351128Growing5.5
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust15518455214Growing5.4
Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust336181221Growing5.4
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust4813257216691Growing5.3
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust17269166144Growing5.3
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust317016599205Growing5.2
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust2637135127432Growing5.1
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust17658960245Growing5.0
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust26113323Growing5.0
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust248611890243Growing4.7
Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust3647168125433Growing4.6
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust3540161141557Growing4.5
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust239710670178Growing4.4
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust3189140133301Growing4.4
Anglian Community Enterprise Community Interest Company (ace Cic)137657Growing4.4
Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust14436159281Growing4.2
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust18167660263Growing4.2
Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust15236054118Growing3.9
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust62582181471177Growing3.5
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust23487450266Growing3.2
Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust1915211Growing2.6
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust2205126Growing2.3
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust151326Growing2.0
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust2580438550294Reducing17.0
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust91212913771Reducing14.1
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust3164424428321Reducing13.4
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust932123155152Reducing13.2
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust1218158159121Reducing13.0
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust1153147179110Reducing12.7
Whittington Health NHS Trust1168148154164Reducing12.7
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust1396175228295Reducing12.5
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust2715333410296Reducing12.3
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust110313013140Reducing11.8
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust2635291327569Reducing11.0
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust1623179197179Reducing11.0
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust1782194194156Static10.9
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust225242768Reducing10.7
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust1846196221279Reducing10.6
Barts Health NHS Trust6151641695986Reducing10.4
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust3253281284591Reducing8.6
West London NHS Trust322273040Reducing8.4
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust2029138143164Reducing6.8
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust241162669Reducing6.6
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust190312513193Reducing6.6
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust1313868957Reducing6.5
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust2503161169393Reducing6.4
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust3365216266244Reducing6.4
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust11171020Reducing6.3
City Health Care Partnership Cic225131711Reducing5.8
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust344193346Reducing5.5
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust174995110287Reducing5.4
Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust15781322Reducing5.1
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust17358080150Static4.6
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust1566615Static3.8
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust1726823Reducing3.5
Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust17861121Reducing3.4
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust159244153106Reducing2.8
Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust231568Reducing2.2
Livewell Southwest1011520Reducing1.0
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust1341416Reducing0.7
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust3332448Reducing0.6
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust21731540610 zero in earlier week 7.1
NHS Nightingale Hospital North West175000 zero in earlier week 0.0
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust151009 zero in earlier week 0.0
Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust52239Smalln/a
Aspen - Highgate Hospital1001Smalln/a
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust9423118Smalln/a
Bmi - The Priory Hospital1000Smalln/a
Bmi - The Runnymede Hospital1001Smalln/a
Bmi - The Sandringham Hospital1000Smalln/a
Bmi Mount Alvernia Hospital13005Smalln/a
Bmi The Huddersfield Hospital4000Smalln/a
Bmi Woodlands Hospital33000Smalln/a
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust27008Smalln/a
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust9000Smalln/a
Bromley Healthcare101000Smalln/a
Bupa Cromwell Hospital1000Smalln/a
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust99191117Smalln/a
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust640311Smalln/a
Circle Bath Hospital5000Smalln/a
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust838026Smalln/a
Csh Surrey905113Smalln/a
Cygnet Hospital Bierley22000Smalln/a
Cygnet Hospital Sheffield1000Smalln/a
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust53307Smalln/a
Devon Partnership NHS Trust6002Smalln/a
East Coast Community Healthcare C.i.c27226Smalln/a
First Community Health and Care Cic24040Smalln/a
Fitzwilliam Hospital4000Smalln/a
Harley Street On 154000Smalln/a
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust830022Smalln/a
Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth (grove End Road)6001Smalln/a
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust54016Smalln/a
Jeesal Akman Care Corporation Ltd1000Smalln/a
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust8812626Smalln/a
Kims Hospital (newnham Court)8006Smalln/a
King Edward Vii's Hospital Sister Agnes1001Smalln/a
Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust542019Smalln/a
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust64207Smalln/a
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust10002Smalln/a
Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust51651Smalln/a
Locala Community Partnerships Cic53310Smalln/a
London Bridge Hospital27002Smalln/a
London Clinic5000Smalln/a
Medway Community Healthcare97540Smalln/a
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust5000Smalln/a
NHS Nightingale Hospital Birmingham11000Smalln/a
NHS Nightingale Hospital Exeter19900Smalln/a
NHS Nightingale Hospital London570025Smalln/a
Navigo Health and Social Care Cic5003Smalln/a
Newbridge Care Systems10110Smalln/a
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust8424424Smalln/a
North East London Treatment Centre Care Uk9003Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Brentwood Hospital2000Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Bristol Hospital (chesterfield)5004Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Cheltenham Hospital290011Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Plymouth Hospital1001Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Shrewsbury Hospital5000Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Wessex Hospital1000Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Woking Hospital22008Smalln/a
Nuffield Health, Wolverhampton Hospital3000Smalln/a
Nuffield Hospital Oxford (the Manor)1001Smalln/a
Oaklands Hospital5000Smalln/a
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust11000Smalln/a
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust612226Smalln/a
Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust36010Smalln/a
Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust41006Smalln/a
Sirona Care & Health4000Smalln/a
Solent NHS Trust8617110Smalln/a
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust861170Smalln/a
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust73006Smalln/a
Spencer Private Hospitals - Margate2000Smalln/a
Spire Elland Hospital9004Smalln/a
Spire Hartswood Hospital2002Smalln/a
Spire London East4000Smalln/a
Spire Manchester Hospital1000Smalln/a
Spire Nottingham Hospital2000Smalln/a
St Andrew's Healthcare - Birmingham13100Smalln/a
St Andrew's Healthcare - Essex2100Smalln/a
St Andrew's Healthcare - Northampton56450Smalln/a
St Magnus Hospital2000Smalln/a
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust3210112Smalln/a
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust740013Smalln/a
The Christie Clinic12003Smalln/a
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust43222Smalln/a
The Dallingtons363510Smalln/a
The Harley Street Clinic (weymouth St)10007Smalln/a
The New Victoria Hospital6006Smalln/a
The Portland Hospital for Women & Children5001Smalln/a
The Princess Grace Hospital8002Smalln/a
The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust18203Smalln/a
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust956519Smalln/a
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust53327Smalln/a
The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust838018Smalln/a
The Wellington Hospital140010Smalln/a
Wiltshire Health & Care989110Smalln/a
Woodland Hospital1000Smalln/a
Woodthorpe Hospital6001Smalln/a
Your Healthcare30770Smalln/a


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