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Showing posts from March, 2014

European Parliament Petitions

In The Telegraph, Christopher Booker reports on the mass petitioning of the European Parliament about state sponsored child stealing in the UK. This week, for example, a Portuguese Family involved in that protest were arrested. Their case has been widely reported in the Portuguese media including the English Speaking Portuguese Media such as This Story in "Portuguese Resident. On Wednesday night a South Korean Couple were arrested in South Wales trying to escape the country with their baby. This case has not hit the South Korean media yet, but I would expect it to be quite high profile. I referred to the case in the Deregulation Bill Committee the minutes of which can be found here . (I say "The gentleman is called Jeong Hugh and he is the PhD student living in the UK. ") The Council of Europe have been enquiring into the UK. I have suggested that parliamentary committees do an enquiry. However, the enquiries that have run so far have been dominated by the p

St Patrick's Day Parade March 16th 2014 Birmingham - Tipperary County Association

I have not tried to take photographs of all of the parade. Others are doing that with better cameras than my phone. I shall see if I can bring together links to photos of the parade later. I have, therefore, only one photo and one video. and This parade was the best weather for over 10 years. 2003 (if I have the year right) when the parade went to Victoria Square was really quite hot. However, today was just about right. Warm enough to encourage the crowds, but not so hot as to wear people out. Photos on net (I am giving one link to the photographer, even if they have done lots of photos): Steve Piggott Photography An unusual rear view of Tipperary against Selfridges Ell Brown @traceythorne Free Radio (Previously BRMB) Brian AC37 Codregor Jas Sansi Heart Radio BBC Birmingham Mail NativeMonster Demotix

Success on Hospital Consultations

Today there were a number of votes in the care bill. It is our view that local consultation is key when it comes to running the health service. There were many people that opposed the health reforms wanting the health service to be run by the Minister and the Minister's appointees. Our view, however, was that it was better to bring in health service reforms to Clinical Commissioning Groups to give local control rather than central control. In the Care Bill today there was a discussion about how to deal with services in crisis. Quite a few of the Lib Dems were unhappy that the original proposals moved too far away from the principle of local consultation. Hence Paul Burstow tabled a new clause (known as New Clause 16) to promote local consultation. During this process there were a large number of negotiations headed up by Paul Burstow. I am pleased to say that considerble progress was made. As a consequence of this the signatories of his new clause did not press the new

Success on DHP for people with disabilities - multi year awards now possible

See this question here . John Hemming   (Birmingham, Yardley, Liberal Democrat) To ask the  Secretary of State  for Work and Pensions if he will take steps to encourage local authorities to make longer term awards of discretionary housing payments for those people with disabilities. Hansard source  (Citation: HC Deb, 10 March 2014, c16W) Steve Webb   (The Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions; Thornbury and Yate, Liberal Democrat) As announced in the autumn statement discretionary housing payment (DHP) funding will actually be increased by £40 million in 2014-15 to £165 million. The increase in DHP for 2014-15 is relative to the previously announced Government allocation for 2014-15 of £125 million. This gives local authorities the confidence they need to make longer-term awards for people with on-going needs. DWP  provides local authorities (LAs) with a guidance manual regarding DHPs, along with a good practice guide which offers advice on ho

Apprenticeships - why Labour are wrong to scrap the Intermediate Apprenticeship

The Deregulation Bill is called as "Christmas Tree Bill". That is because it has lots of different baubles attached to it from a legislative basis. I happen to have been on the pre-legislative scrutiny committee for this as well as the regulatory reform select committee. In fact a lot of the issues in the Bill are both interesting and important. Yesterday, for example, there was a discussion about Apprenticeships. These are important as they are a good route into work for young people. There has been a big growth in apprenticeships under this government. Labour have been critical because many of the apprenticeships are at NVQ level 2 rather than level 3 or 4. In fact about 60% are at level 2. Labour, therefore, proposed an amendment to the bill to ban apprenticeships that are level 2 (ie scrap the Intermediate one, the Advanced one is Level 3 and the Higher one level 4). I will hunt up the record of the debate from yesterday when it is published. However, I think

Shale Gas, Oil Reserves and Energy Prices

This story today reports that there may be more Shale Gas in Northern England than was previously thought. Within the report it says: "But it could take two years to see if the gas is commercially viable." Realistically no one knows with any great certainty what fossil fuels remain under ground. It is important to remember that it takes energy to get fossil fuels out of the ground. The harder to get hydrocarbons take more energy. That is a key factor in whether the fields are "commercially viable". On the right hand side of this blog I display the Oil prices for West Texas Intermediate and Brent. The difference between the two historically was low. Shale gas production in the USA drove down the WTI price (gas could not then be exported from the USA). What is happening now is that the prices are coming together (or moreso WTI is going up to Brent). The conventional wisdom is that with the USA becoming an oil exporter again and additional oil from Iraq an

Leicester Couple emigrate to Northern Cyprus

This case shows that Habitual Residency is not just an issue as to where someone is living. I think the court decision is in fact wrong as the links to the UK had been cut. However, I am aware of cases where people have left the UK, but continue to claim benefits in the UK. That would mean that they are inherently habitually resident in the UK. To change habitual residence is more than just flying out.