I, for one, am much happier with John Prescott playing croquet than thinking that he may have his hand otherwise on the nuclear button. There are very few ministers (and I don't think Tony Blair is one of them) who are actually capable of running anything properly. That is the underlying difficulty in which the country currently is. New Labour are good at spinning, but useless at making anything happen effectively - apart from raising taxes and starting illegal wars. What they actually do is to hardly interfere with the Civil Service and let them get on with things. The problem with this technocratic solution is that it goes badly wrong from time to time ... like ... er ... about now. It becomes the war of the barons with senior civil servants calling the shots. The idea that John Reid will do anything other than upset his own staff is risible. At least we have the chance of some good leaks from the Home Office now. One role of government is identifying problems in the public
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