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High numbers of babies taken at birth

This is one of a number of stories about the high numbers of babies taken at birth in England.

Any reader of this blog will now that this is not news. There is a well written research document that looks at this. It particularly looks at repeat removals. The original paper is here

The question that needs to be answered. However, is why other countries with exactly the same set of facts end up sending mum home to look after her baby when England takes the baby at birth. We know that this is the case because people leave the country to avoid children being removed at birth (aka Forum Shopping).


Unknown said…
it getting more mums get so down dads two no care in world as ss as long they got kid and wage .
Unknown said…
Hello. I am trying to get an amendment to the Equality Act 2010 to add in a disabled parent section as currently disabled parents are discriminated against all the time and have a much greater chance of having their children taken away. 15% of physically disabled parents will face attempts by social services to have their children removed and up to 80% of intellectually disabled or depressed parents, even if it is mild. They can also face continual questioning and malicious reporting to social services on the basis of 'the welfare of the child', which allows disability to be considered as a factor that causes harm to a child. This discrimination shouldn't be acceptable in the 21st century. I know that you couragously stood up for parents who had their babies snatched at birth by social services and I am hoping you will support our campaign. The website is
Unknown said…
Hello. I am trying to get an amendment to the Equality Act 2010 to add in a disabled parent section as currently disabled parents are discriminated against all the time and have a much greater chance of having their children taken away. 15% of physically disabled parents will face attempts by social services to have their children removed and up to 80% of intellectually disabled or depressed parents, even if it is mild. They can also face continual questioning and malicious reporting to social services on the basis of 'the welfare of the child', which allows disability to be considered as a factor that causes harm to a child. This discrimination shouldn't be acceptable in the 21st century. I know that you couragously stood up for parents who had their babies snatched at birth by social services and I am hoping you will support our campaign. The website is

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