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Hospitals, journalists and political theory

An advantage journalists have in dealing with the media is that they understand how journalists think. Hence either Chris or Nick is likely to do a good job as far as Public Relations go.

The problem, however, is that the conventional wisdom within the media as to "what should be done" is:
a) Not necessarily something that will achieve the objective.
b) Not necessarily something politically popular.

A good example for this is the debate about "Healthcare acquired infection". It is possible to change the management of hospitals to prioritise hygiene. However, this would probably mean inter alia taking the cleaning contracts "in-house".

This does not fit the conventional wisdom of the chattering classes. It sounds a bit luddite and traditional. On the other hand it would work and would be politically popular.

I, however, am not a moderniser. I am happy to be described as a progressive. However, I do not believe in change for changes sake - modernisation.


Labour and the Tories don't want to bring hospital cleaning back in-house so it would be good to see the Lib Dems calling for it. Your belief that "it would work and would be politically popular" is spot on. I suspect voters of all political persuasions would be behind you.

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