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The "Appalling Vista" of the injustices of the Family Courts

The "appalling vista" of the Family Courts, in comparison to Lord Denning's statements in respect of the Birmingham Six, is that totally innocent families where no-one has done anything wrong are torn apart by a system that is dominated by interests other than the public interest.

It is said that the standard of proof in the family courts is "on the balance of probabilities". Actually in many cases parents need to prove their innocence.

There are symptoms such as CMLs and SBS where a proportion of the parents are entirely innocent. However, the system still works to remove their children (and any future babies) into care. Pleading innocence actually works against the parents as they are deemed to be "in denial". The fact that the system punishes honesty is another of its more malign aspects.

Mothers are actually treated like slaves of the state whose children are owned by the state (the state holds parental responsibility) and are allocated to other "more deserving" families by the state. Particularly mothers who have been in care themselves are treated as the state's slaves. They are imprisoned in hospital when they go to give birth and their babies removed by secret courts whilst they are still recovering from the process of giving birth.

It will be interesting to see how the courts respond to an Article 4 challenge on this point.


ESCAPE said…
Truth at last, If the public knew just how the system worked and was used they would be in shock. we are talking about a calm situation in a hospital where 2 parents are cooing over thier baby, when nurses, police and Social workers walk in and try and remove a baby from the parents, NO COURT ORDER, if they refuse to hand over the child they are then threatened with arrest if they try to leave with the baby, so the then terrified parents sign a piece of scribbled paper to say they agree no to leave the hospital untill a court date is set.
I want to know why the press will be done for reporting on such human crime, how has it come to this when every child in care is screaming about the abuse they are suffering, parents more than capeable of giving the children a happy life are still not even allowed to see there unhappy kids in care.

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