If you are going to the Family Court for a case and might wish to appeal it is very important to write down the Judgment as the judge says it. Otherwise it takes some time to get transcripts from the court. You will notice the Local Authority's solicitors writing down the judgment. You need to do this as well. The Local Authority might give you a copy of their notes, but you cannot trust them. Write it down Since this post I have been asked to add the following comment (by someone else) Indeed the judge often asks the barrister, employed by any party legally represented at the hearing, to write out the Order for the clerks to type. Sometimes the barrister gets it right; sometimes he or she makes a little mistake which the judge misses and, surprisingly, never favours anyone else but his/her own client. Then, if you're alert, you have to apply to the Judge again for a correction to be made in the Order. Been there, got the T-shirt.