Six Birmingham Labour city councillors alleged to have masterminded a campaign of postal vote fraud will face a High Court hearing without legal representation.
The Labour Party confirmed last night that London-based law firm Steel and Shamash was no longer acting for the Bordesley Green and Aston ward councillors.
It remains that there is a question as to what Labour Candidates were doing on an industrial estate after midnight with hundreds (and possibly thousands) of postal ballots.
Election Day story about postal votes
It also remains the case that there was electoral fraud not only in the two wards which have election petitions, but also other cities.
The Labour Party are driving to have postal votes because they know that they get more votes. How many are honest and how many fraudulent is not clear. What is clear that thousands are fraudulent in some wards. (and hence parliamentary seats as well)
The Labour Party confirmed last night that London-based law firm Steel and Shamash was no longer acting for the Bordesley Green and Aston ward councillors.
(extract from article in Birmingham Post linked above.)
It remains that there is a question as to what Labour Candidates were doing on an industrial estate after midnight with hundreds (and possibly thousands) of postal ballots.
Election Day story about postal votes
It also remains the case that there was electoral fraud not only in the two wards which have election petitions, but also other cities.
The Labour Party are driving to have postal votes because they know that they get more votes. How many are honest and how many fraudulent is not clear. What is clear that thousands are fraudulent in some wards. (and hence parliamentary seats as well)