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Demise of UDP

For a number of years we have had the process of a "Unitary Development Plan" as a guide for planning throughout the city. The government have tired of this and are now going for a different system with Local Development Frameworks (LDF) instead. The LDF consists of Local Development Documents (LDDs) as part of a Local Development Scheme (LDS). So that's clear then.

Normally these processes of change go round in a circle. For example back in 1990 there were four District Health Authorities in Birmingham. This changed to one single Health Authority, then it split into 11 Primary Care Trusts which merged into 4 PCTs (Today) and there are rumours that it will revert to a single organisation in the future.

The cycle of change in the Health Service is around 14 years. Each change lasts about 3-4 years until it is changed again.

The advantage of continually reorganising things for central government is that it gives the appearance of progress when in fact the chaos created by reorganisation frequently undermines progress.


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