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John Hemming MP swears in

At about 3.30pm today I swore allegiance to the crown and to adhere to the law. I personally have no great problem with the system of constitutional monarchy.


Bob Piper said…
Oh, that's OK then. We'll probably have it keep it now it passes muster with you.
John Hemming said…
Thank you for that message of support :-)
Ian Ridley said…
I know our Head of State doesn't have much real power, but it's enough to make me want the person wielding that power to have been democratically elected.

I know that I am in a minority amongst Liberal Democrats!
PoliticalHackUK said…
Most Liberal Democrats are in a minority.

This is a good thing.
Bob Piper said…
Christ! That makes Ian a tiny minority of a tiny minority. You rebel you!

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