I was thinking about what people may wish to do to get copies of my responses to various consultations and the like. Clearly these things will be in the final papers, but it would be silly to post them to the blog as there would be too much text.
I have, therefore, established a YahooGroup
This group called imaginatively johnhemming has a files section from which you can obtain information. Furthermore it operates as a discussion forum for any public discussions about issues that I am campaigning on (eg Silent Calls, Hydrocarbon Depletion, Family Tax Credit etc).
The first message anyone posts is moderated by me (to stop spammers), but after that it is generally unmoderated although if anyone abuses the system I shall simply exclude them. People do need to Join to access the service, however.
I have, therefore, established a YahooGroup
This group called imaginatively johnhemming has a files section from which you can obtain information. Furthermore it operates as a discussion forum for any public discussions about issues that I am campaigning on (eg Silent Calls, Hydrocarbon Depletion, Family Tax Credit etc).
The first message anyone posts is moderated by me (to stop spammers), but after that it is generally unmoderated although if anyone abuses the system I shall simply exclude them. People do need to Join to access the service, however.
At the moment I am coping with all constituency correspondance and all letters written to me (and me alone) from outside the constituency.
I recycle circulars from lobby groups without reading them.