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Banners on Bridges

I was pleased that the prosecution withdrew the attempt to prosecute the three students who put a banner on the bridge between the Hyatt and the ICC during the Lib Dem Conference.

I presume that the people who put the following banner on a bridge also won't be prosecuted.

I was on the way back to Birmingham to give evidence for the defence, but was told on the way that the case had collapsed so I stopped part way and went back to London. It really should not have got as far as it did.


Jake Maverick said…
pigyobs never are though...even for murder, or breaking in and attacig people in their homes, gang rape, torture...decent people don't do these things, ALL this state is about now is 'criminalising' decent people....

do you think it was anything to do with an MP giving evidence for the defence as to why it collapsed...? what would have happened if u had a differen 'job' title...? and why not via videolink? how many thousands of taxpayers' money did that lil jaunt cost...? FOI
Jake Maverick said…
what does 'get involved' mean anyway? they want you (asin general public, plebs) to go around attacking people, breaking into homes, using chemical weapons on people, shooting them repeatedly in the ehad etc....? heaard a rumour once instigating somebody to commit a ciminal offence is a criminal offencein itself....

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