Some interesting information relating to Doncaster Hospital and the Research Protocol variously known as 85.02, 85.05, 85.09, the Cot Death Study, sleep studies, "Do infants who subsequently suffer sudden infant death syndrome have abnormal episodes of hypoxaemia, hypercapnia, sinus tachycardia, or periodic apnoea during early infancy", Do infants who subsequently suffer sudden infant death syndrome have abnormal episodes of hypoxaemia, hypercapnia, sinus tachycardia, or periodic apnoea during the first six weeks of life", studies of oxygen saturation in babies, and the SIDS study has come into my hands recently.
I think this information justifies the need for a full public inquiry into Dr Southall's work. Incidentally Dr Southall himself has said there should be a public inquiry.
It is best to start today with what happened during the study. Babies and other young children (generally those at a risk of sudden infant death) were taken into hospital and tests done during their sleep.
The tests involved giving them 15% Oxygen (something now known to be able to cause cyanosis - where a baby goes blue through lack of oxygen and suffers from a shortage of oxygen in the brain.) extra Carbon Dioxide and choking them to stop them breathing in.
The question, however, is what happened during that study and afterwards and how was it covered up in 2000 and previously.
I think this information justifies the need for a full public inquiry into Dr Southall's work. Incidentally Dr Southall himself has said there should be a public inquiry.
It is best to start today with what happened during the study. Babies and other young children (generally those at a risk of sudden infant death) were taken into hospital and tests done during their sleep.
The tests involved giving them 15% Oxygen (something now known to be able to cause cyanosis - where a baby goes blue through lack of oxygen and suffers from a shortage of oxygen in the brain.) extra Carbon Dioxide and choking them to stop them breathing in.
The question, however, is what happened during that study and afterwards and how was it covered up in 2000 and previously.