The interesting question is to how many PCTs will end up refusing to operate on people with a BMI over 30.
The problem is that these decisions are being taken for financial reasons, not medical reasons.
Fat people pay taxes too. The figure of 30 for BMI is an arbitrary figure that is not appropriate for controlling access to waiting lists. There are at times good medical arguments against people being operated on because of their size, but the 3 PCTs I have identified that control things this way do it for primarily financial reasons.
The problem is that these decisions are being taken for financial reasons, not medical reasons.
Fat people pay taxes too. The figure of 30 for BMI is an arbitrary figure that is not appropriate for controlling access to waiting lists. There are at times good medical arguments against people being operated on because of their size, but the 3 PCTs I have identified that control things this way do it for primarily financial reasons.
Therefore the value of 30 as a limit is utterly arbritary.