For me the particularly interesting aspect of the secret imprisonment of 11th October is that it appears that the judge imprisoned the mother because the judge did not believe what she said. Now that means that the judge is actually prosecuting the mother for perjury as well as sitting in judgment. The mother said her children were somewhere, but they were not.
The point about this is that there are lots of legal precedents that the judge should not sit in judgment on this case and hence it could be challenged on appeal. How does one do that when one knows neither the name of the mother of her solicitors.
I notice that in some of your blogs on Family Court matters you refer to the RCJ Press Office. This in my opinion is a waste of time.
You would be better advised to take these matters up with the Judicial Complaints Office, and make formal complaints against named judges. Nothing will change, particularly in regard to jailing people in secret, until a judge is actually suspended and disciplined for breaking a law which has been in place since 1965.