There has been a bit more interest in Twinkle and his missing sister. Here is a photograph of them both.

In terms of various questions about the kitten(s)
a) They were named by my daughter (age 4) - they are her cats.
b) They are due to be chipped, but are not yet.
c) They are now about 6 months old.
I would like to thank those who have replicated the photos of Beauty for their support of the attempts to find Beauty. That even includes Andy Howell who has set up a twitter account and a facebook page even if it is a bit tongue in cheek.
For those who don't know Andy Howell used to be Deputy Leader of the Birmingham Labour Party.
However, the Labour Party in Birmingham have been quite helpful within the context of trying to find Beauty.

In terms of various questions about the kitten(s)
a) They were named by my daughter (age 4) - they are her cats.
b) They are due to be chipped, but are not yet.
c) They are now about 6 months old.
I would like to thank those who have replicated the photos of Beauty for their support of the attempts to find Beauty. That even includes Andy Howell who has set up a twitter account and a facebook page even if it is a bit tongue in cheek.
For those who don't know Andy Howell used to be Deputy Leader of the Birmingham Labour Party.
However, the Labour Party in Birmingham have been quite helpful within the context of trying to find Beauty.
Your wife who claims to be an animal lover dumps a kitten in the wild to die a lousy death of dehydration and starvation and then suggests the fix is to buy a kitten to replace it?
I just don't understand you people.