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The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock - The Brummy Version

The Council Mouse in Birmingham has been the scene of a "Noughties" version of "The Birds" the film of Alfred Hitchcock about birds attacking people.

In Birmingham .... surprise surprise .... it is Seagulls.

We have three Seagull Chicks (quite large ones), looking for somewhere to park in the Council Mouse Car park

sometimes they pick a parking place where there already is a car such as that of Talib Hussain (the James Bond film star - he was on the credits).

Meanwhile Mummy (or Daddy) Seagull keeps guard.

and if you come close to her babies she attacks

The last photo was taken by me whilst I was being attacked by Mr or Mrs Seagull.

A short time afterwards Councillor Tim Huxtable (known by the Evening Mail as "the Smiling Assassin" because of his track record in stopping councillors' junkets) was the victim of an accelerated avine assault. Perhaps the Seagulls are worried about the fact that he might prevent them going to Austria.

Councillor Tariq Khan (Lib Dem Deputy leader) was complaining about the birds not leaving him alone. Other councillors (not being sure about which type of birds he was referring to) asked him what he was complaining about.

One suggestion is that we put a pile of Sand in the Council Mouse Car Park and then the Seagulls will think that this is the seaside so they need to migrate back to Birmingham and will move out of the courtyard.


PoliticalHackUK said…
Do you have any idea how long it took to train those seagulls?

('film star' - typical LD spin)
Stephen Booth said…

Do you have any information on any patterns in the attacks, especially in relation to the gender of the attackee. I ask as there was an article in yesterday's Metro newspaper about how in one area the Royal Mail was running into problems due to deliveries being delayed as a result of seagulls attacking postmen. The solution has been to replace them with postwomen as the gulls do not attack them.

If the gulls at the council house practice similar discrimination then surely they can be taken to a disciplinary hearing under the council's Harrassment procedure?

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