I spoke last Thursday about the investigation in the Slovak Republic into corruption in the courts in England. There is a press report on Joj TV (in Slovak, but you can use Google translate on the text), here and here The following is the statement by the General Prosecutor in the Slovak Republic Jana Tokolyova, spokesman of the only biggest institution of investigation in the country, called General Prokuratura. On Monday Silvia M. has made criminal complaint. On Wednesday, the director of General Prokuratura met the deputy director of National criminal agency of Police Prezidium and they have named a special agent that will deal with this case. We will not publish further information because of possible investigation obstruction. ---------- Původní zpráva ---------- Datum: 14. 8. 2013 Předmět: Re: dotaz pro TV JOJ Vážený pán Krpač, V pondelok 12. 8. 2013 podala Silvia M. na Generálnej prokuratúre Slovenskej republiky trestné oznámenie. Vzhľadom na obsa...