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‘Fat police’ put children on abuse list

“Obesity in itself is not a child protection concern,” he said. “When parents fail to act in their child’s best interests with regard to their weight — for example, if they are enrolled on a behav-ioural treatment session and only get to two out of 10 sessions or if they miss medical appointments — then the obesity becomes a child protection concern.” Dr Alyson Hall, consultant child psychiatrist at the Emmanuel Miller Centre for Families and Children in east London, said that in some cases children were put into foster care to ensure their safety.

So if the Fat Police tell you to go to a "behavioural treatment session" and you miss some of the sessions then your children are taken off you.

We cannot rely on the courts to protect children and families from this major abuse of state power as they (apart from a few honourable exceptions such as Macfarlane and Munby) tend to rubberstamp proposals from Social Services.

As always it is necessary to see all of the details. I don't think I am the only person worried about what is happening here. All more money for the child protection industry, fees for the doctors to write reports (can be up to £27,000 for a report) misery for the children.


nobody said…
Absolutely ludicrus, has anyone heard of "puppy fat" we all at some time have had this mainly in our teenage years, it is a natural cycle of the human body.
Then what about our Metabolism
take a look at these sites.

Many children too can have undiagnosed thyroid troubles, kidney, hormones and other ailments that can cause the body to store more fats then usual, many a times this runs in families too, being thick set, heavy boned, of course that needs more padding!.
I take it we are to believe that the children that are taken away due to being over weight are all fully medically checked for none of these, well i think not as many a times the nhs does not diagnose in the right context as all the tests are never carried through...

Are we all to be sterotype for the fashion world, so we can be accessed on our bodies and not our personalities and wisdom!!.

So i take it the percentage here could be more girls then boys being taken into care for this matter, as it is plainly obvious that around puberty and early teens and late teens girls carry more weight then boys,due to the changing over of "NATURAL HORMONES" taking place and allowing this to balance out, so when in their 20's they do have a even weight they establish.
Willow said…
"So if the Fat Police tell you to go to a "behavioural treatment session" and you miss some of the sessions then your children are taken off you.

We cannot rely on the courts to protect children and families from this major abuse of state power as they (apart from a few honourable exceptions such as Macfarlane and Munby) tend to rubberstamp proposals from Social Services.

As always it is necessary to see all of the details. I don't think I am the only person worried about what is happening here. All more money for the child protection industry, fees for the doctors to write reports (can be up to £27,000 for a report) misery for the children."

I couldn't agree with you more! - However, what is not appreciated is that obesity is caused by fluid retention, caused in turn by sensitivity to salt, and is safely, easily and swiftly reduced by avoiding salt and salty food.

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